Thursday, July 1, 2010

Benton and Ashley: Take Two.

April: Here is a glimpse of the spring time rendition of "Benton and Ashley". There were so many wonderful ones! I picked a few of my favorites below. I think they turned out nicely!

The twins

I done some pictures for a good friend of mine's twins third birthday. They are too cute in their little boots and matching overalls! It was fun getting to take their picture on the farm! Happy birthday Gabe & Brookelynn Claire!

Sweet Marley

Fun to be ONE! Little Marley was so cute and I had the best time taking her picture. She turned one back in March. I was so glad her mother gave me the opportunity to capture these moments! Isn't she so cute?!!

Oh, to catch up.....

I have been SO busy the last few months, that I have neglected to post any new photos. So, here comes a parade of things that I have been doing lately....Enjoy!